
Situation in the country

The central Asian states are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Characteristic for the countries are mountains, steppe and plains. The economies of these states are not all in an equally strong position. Turkmenistan, for example, is renowned for its carpets, horses, camels and for its raw material deposits.

Tajikistan is, on the other hand, one of the poorest countries of the former USSR. The population of each of these states is throughly mixed so that ethnic conflicts are inevitable in some parts of the countries.

Many people try to find work in Russia and take their Muslim faith with them, contributing in this way to the strengthening of Islam in Russia.

Christians are in the minority in all central Asian countries, and the Muslim faith is predominant. Islam is growing stronger, while Christians, who often fear for their lives, suffer oppression; however, the degree varies in the five central Asian countries. Muslims who become Christians must reckon with contempt, ostracism - especially by their own relatives - and even with death. Although in all these countries religious freedom is officially proclaimed, because of the influence of radical Muslims Christians are faced with more and more regulations needed to receive a permit for their church's life. It is hardly possible for them to meet these conditions.

The proportion of Evangelical Christians is on average below 0.5 %.

What we do in Kazakhstan


Our mission produces and distributes Christian literature and magazines in the Kazakh language. Four times a year we issue the magazine AKIKAT TANI for adults and six times a year the children's magazine SHARAPAT.

Our magazines and books are spiritually uplifting and evangelistic in nature. In addition we publish songs and audio books. The literature is sent to different churches in the whole of Kazakhstan, and the churches put them to use for their church members and for outreach. Well before the end of the year we print 4,000 calenders in Kazakh for evangelistic purposes. At Christmas and on New Year's Eve Christians give them to their non-believing relations, neighbours, colleagues or to people working in state institutions.

Children and young people

We hold children's camps which are attended by very many children from non-believing families. Through our youth clubs we reach non-believing young people who meet once a week to talk about a social problem or a secular topic. Afterwards we play games together. In this way we make contact with young people and tell them about Christ.

Social projects

The mission takes part in smaller-scale social projects which for example enable large families to buy school uniforms, or blind parents to buy shoes for their children. Sometimes we buy water dispensers for medical facilities in dry regions of Kazakhstan, and such like. We are involved with camps for people with handicaps and they receive Christmas presents.


In our mission there are seven members of staff: The director of the mission, two magazine editors, a studio manager, a person in charge of dispatch and house maintenance, a bookkeeper and a designer. There are also volunteers who help out when needed. All co-workers are brothers and sisters who love the Lord and are active in their respective churches.

They are also involved with the camps, at young people's meetings and with preaching.


Children from completely different kinds of families take part in the children's camps. Through this, a great deal of contacts can be made with non-believing parents, who tell of positive changes in their child when we visit them after the camp. That is then a good opportunity to tell them, too, about God. One team member tells us:

"My niece was at our camp. Her parents are non-believers, but her mother knows that our family believes in Jesus Christ. This did not stop her sending her daughter to a Christian camp. When we visited her after the camp, she told us with shining eyes: 'For the first three days my daughter was very excited and talked non-stop of everything she had done there and of the new things she had learnt, and that she now loves Jesus. She also found new friends there. Next year she definitely wants to go again.' "

Prayer requests

for the spiritual renewal of the Kazakh people.

that the word of God comes into every family and that many turn to Jesus.

that God leads our country and protects his children.

for our ministry and the team.


HOUSE OF HOPE Kazakhstan

Humanitarian aid and socio-evangelistic ministry in Kazakhstan - in cooperation with the Swiss organisation HILKA ("Hilf Kasachstan" - Help Kazakhstan).

Target groups and ministry focus

The HOUSE OF HOPE has at the moment four full-time and five part-time members of staff as well as many volunteers.The whole team has different groups of people in mind with their own particular needs: the unreached; socially underprivileged segments of the population, especially handicapped children and their parents; people in times of crisis who have been thrown off course by things such as poverty, illness or problems in relationships, or who have a problem coping with life; large families or just people with questions. Through our areas of ministry we try to help on different levels: spiritually, socially, materially and personally.

Humanitarian aid

We distribute food, clothing and shoes; there are various projects: warm boots and schoolbags for children, coal for heating in the winter; we provide medical assistance und distribute wheelchairs; poor, handicapped children are given speech and language therapy and physiotherapy; we have a prison ministry.


We hold seminars on coping in general with life's problems and special seminars for teachers, educators and prison workers. Besides this we hold language courses: English for children from needy families and Kazakh lessons in prisons.


We hold camps for children and teenagers, special festivals for children, young people and women and also for handicapped children and their parents.

Counselling and home groups

People who come to the HOUSE OF HOPE are seeking help. We talk personally with them, visit them at home, hold discussion groups and classic home groups.

Supporting Christians

We endeavour to support Christian churches and groups when they begin and then run a socio-evangelistic ministry.

Feedback from a family

"There are four of us siblings: Bakdaulet (14), Moldir (11), Yerasyl (7) and Ernar (1). We so much want to say thank you. When our mother did not know how to feed us, and when we ended up on the streets in winter because we could not pay the rent, we all fell ill. You were so kind to us and helped us. Now we are living in a warm, dry room. Many thanks!" (Almaty, September 2019).

The family had been abandoned by their father. Through the birth of the youngest child and because of a serious illness, their mother could not pay for food, rent or medicines. The children could not go to school because they had no shoes or boots.

The children took part in the activities for children in the HOUSE OF HOPE. The oldest said: "Here it is like being in a different world. Everything is so good."

It is of utmost importance to the members of the HOUSE OF HOPE staff that the people they come into contact with feel the good atmosphere moulded by Jesus himself and are blessed by God.

Prayer requests

for poor and needy families, that they may know that they are precious to God, and seek him.

that at the seminars for women we might be able to talk together in depth and that trust in Jesus
     might grow.