Digital Media and Radio
Digital Media
Technological innovations in the online and smartphone sectors have led to people changing their media behaviour - world-wide. The internet provides new opportunities for spreading the Gospel, and an increasing number of people use it in their quest to find answers to the issues of life.
This is why we supply our literature, both books and magazines, online, so they can be downloaded or read online in the languages of the east. Some of our books are also available as e-books. Sermons, articles and lots more are available as audio files. Audio books are provided as CD's or on our partner organisations' internet sites. Even a smartphone app is already available and more are planned or being developed. These items for downloading can be found for example on the web sites of our partners in Ukraine, in Russia and in Kazakhstan.
The Gospel is meant to be heard. Radio reaches people at home, at work, and when travelling by car, and it transcends national borders. Especially the ill, the lonely and the handicapped use the radio to keep in contact with the outside world. The radio has a wide range of ways to reach people with a variety of topics. Among these are short evangelistic talks, sermons, readings, music, talks, interviews and discussions, but also programmes where the listeners can make contact with the radio staff.
Our partners in Lithuania and Estonia use radio programmes in their ministry. A children's programme in Lithuania has resulted in a children's magazine "Vakaro zvaigzdele" (little evening star) being published. In the Ukraine there is the TROPINKA Children's Radio, and in Vladikavkaz in the Caucasus our partner, the "North Ossetian Mission", even runs a complete radio station called "Radio MCC". From there the radio programmes are also broadcast via internet radio.